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Where did my food come from?

Besitang, North Sumatra, Indonesia

N 4° 6.2449'  E 98° 5.8204'




Meet Nurhayati

Smallholder Farm Owner | Wenda Amp Plantation

Nurhayati Wenda and her family have owned their family farm, Wenda Amp plantation, for 11 years. She and her family take advantage of Wilmar International's small holder program. She has 3 children. Her eldest daughter is studying economics at the National University of Singapore and received a scholarship from Wilmar International’s student scholarship fund. Her youngest daughter and her 2 grandchildren live in town to be close to family.


Nurhayati’s parents and grandparents were subsistence agricultural farmers, and prior to the development of Wenda Amp plantation, her village did not have electricity or an elementary school when she was growing up. She's happy to see her grandchildren thrive with new opportunities. Nurhayati hopes to one day visit Europe with her family.

Wilmar International | Educating Communities

Reaching Full Potential


As part of Wilmar’s endeavour to ensure that the children of our workers, as well as members of the local community where we operate, have access to quality education and share in the benefits of oil palm development, we have embarked on a school redevelopment programme. Modelled after Wilmar funded schools in China, the programme is in progress in Indonesia. We have completed the redevelopment and upgrading of all 15 schools in 2021. secondary education in Sabah and two CLCs providing primary education in Sarawak. The educational syllabus is designed based on the Malaysian curriculum, integrated with Indonesia-centric subjects. This will help ease the Indonesian children’s transition to the mainstream societies.

East Malaysia

We identified the plight faced by children of immigrant workers in our East Malaysia operations and aimed to provide them with their basic necessities. This included providing them with an education as these children are typically excluded from Malaysian mainstream education due to a variety of factors including their legality status, insufficient space in local schools as well as the remote location of plantations that poses a challenge for them to access schools.


Among our most successful projects involves collaborating with Humana Child Aid Society of Sabah (Humana), which is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to providing basic education to children. Together with Humana, we have established ten primary schools.


We have also successfully established Community Learning Centres (CLCs) in both Sabah and Sarawak, in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia. To date, we have seven CLCs providing secondary education in Sabah and two CLCs providing primary education in Sarawak. The educational syllabus is designed based on the Malaysian curriculum, integrated with Indonesia-centric subjects. This will help ease the Indonesian children’s transition to the mainstream societies.


Apart from providing them with free education, we also subsidise uniforms, school shoes and books (including text books, workbooks and exercise books every year.

Sustainably sourced by:


Wilmar’s No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) policy conveys our strong commitment to protect the rights of workers, who are an essential part of our business. Hence, to further strengthen our position, we have developed and put in place relevant policies, guided by international standards as set out in the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact (UNGC), International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, the UK Modern Slavery Act and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its covenants.


Our workers are the backbone of our company, to which we have the responsibility of ensuring that we provide them with a decent and safe place to live and work. We have put in a lot of effort and systems in place in order to promote a more harmonious work and social relations in our operations. We have also invested significantly in infrastructure such as roads, housing, water, sanitation and schools, to provide a more conducive working and living environments for our workers and their families.


Wilmar has also formalised collaborations with industry stakeholders to find viable long-term solutions to labour challenges in the palm oil industry.



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